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Are playpens good for dogs?

Playpens, also known as exercise pens, differ from dog crates. While a dog crate gives your pet a secure place to sleep at night or stay while you aren’t home, a playpen gives your puppy room to play, eat, and drink. Although they aren’t a substitute for a good crate, playpens provide a structured environment for your puppy to burn off some energy:

  • Indoors, when you have other things to do around the house. They also work well when you need to separate your dog from house guests but still want him to have a play space.
  • Outdoors, when you don’t want to put him on a leash but want him to stay close by, like when you are camping or working in the yard.
  • On vacation, when you want to take your puppy with you but need a safe place for him to get some rest and recreation.

There’s no question puppies bring a lot of joy into our lives. In addition to reducing stress and anxiety and keeping us healthier, playing with a puppy raises our activity level. Ironically, play is a puppy’s work. The things he learns about his environment while romping in it help him grow into a confident, happy dog. Translation: Playing with a puppy is mutually beneficial!

However, there’s also no question that keeping track of a puppy is a lot of work. A dog playpen is one of the many inexpensive pieces of equipment you can invest in for peace of mind as your puppy safely explores small areas of the world around him.

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