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Bolognese Bolognese: Another of the Bichon family, the small white breeds which were made popular in fashionable society in Mediterranean countries. The Bolognese takes his name from the north Italian city, Bologna, where he first gained popularity. His coat of white flocks is set off by dark pigmentation and he should be shown in a […]
Bolognese: Another of the Bichon family, the small white breeds which were made popular in fashionable society in Mediterranean countries. The Bolognese takes his name from the north Italian city, Bologna, where he first gained popularity.
His coat of white flocks is set off by dark pigmentation and he should be shown in a natural untrimmed state. The Bolognese is sturdy and square and with great beauty and character in head and expression.
General appearance of Bolognese
Small white toy dog with square, compact outline and distinctive coat.
Intelligent, companionable.
Friendly but reserved with strangers.
Head and skull
Wide flat skull. Nose to stop slightly shorter than from stop to occiput. Accentuated stop. Nose large, black.
Large, round, dark with well-pigmented rims.
Set on high, long, pendulous, carried away from head giving a broad appearance to head.
Jaws level, with perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Clean, medium length.
Shoulders well laid, legs straight with slightly sloping pasterns. Elbows close to body.
Well-sprung ribs, brisket reaching to elbows making half overall height at withers. Level back, loins slightly arched. Point of shoulder to point of buttock equals height at withers.
Well muscled, moderate turn of stifle, hocks well let down.
Oval, black nails and pads.
Set on at level of croup carried curved over back. Well feathered.
Normal and smart. Legs moving parallel. Ambling highly undesirable.
Long, flocked without curl covering entire head and body. Shown in natural state.
Pure white without markings, not even simple shadings. Lips, eyelids, nose and nails black.
Dogs: 27-30.5 cms (10½-12 ins); bitches 25.5-28 cms (10-11 ins).
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dogÂ’s ability to perform its traditional work.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.