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Canaan Dog

Canaan Dog

The national breed of Israel, the Canaan Dog has its roots in the Pariah Dog of the Middle East, and which was gradually domesticated from 1935 when selective breeding programmes were developed to stabilise type. The breed comes in a variety of colours. Numbers in the show ring remain small. The Canaan Dog has been used by Israel’s military forces as mine detectors and by the Red Cross.

General appearance

Medium sized, well balanced, strong and square. Marked distinction between sexes.


Agile, alert and highly intelligent.


Confident and vigilant. Aloof with strangers. Steady and loyal to owners.

Head and skull

Skull well proportioned, wedge shaped of medium length, appearing broader due to low set ears. Skull somewhat flattened between ears. Stop shallow but defined. Length from muzzle to stop approximately equal to length from stop to occiput. Nose black. Lips tight and well pigmented.


Dark, almond shaped and obliquely set with black rims.


Medium sized, erect and set low with broad base and rounded tip.


Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws, level bite acceptable.


Muscular, well arched, of medium length without throatiness.


Well-laid muscular shoulder, elbows close to body. Medium boned. When viewed from the front forelegs straight. Pasterns slightly sloping.


Square, withers well developed, back level, loins muscular, chest deep and of moderate breadth, ribs well sprung. Belly well tucked up.


Powerful, broad muscular thighs, hocks well let down. Legs straight when viewed from behind.


Strong, round and cat like with hard pads.


Set high, thick brush carried curled over back when trotting or excited.


Energetic and natural trot.


Outer coat dense, harsh and straight of short to medium length. Undercoat close and profuse according to season.


Sand to red-brown, white, black, or spotted, with or without a symmetrical black mask. White markings permitted on all colours. Grey, brindle, black and tan or tricolour undesirable.


Height 50-60 cms (20-24 ins). Weight 18-25 kgs (40-55 lbs).


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dogÂ’s ability to perform its traditional work.


Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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